Add New Room Product

Creating a new accommodation/room product is almost the same as creating a regular WooCommerce product.

At the first step, please navigate to “Products > Add New”. Once the page is completely loaded, choose “Accommodation” as product type.

    Input the product name and description, then upload the main product image along with an optional image gallery. Afterward, navigate to the Product Data section and begin entering your room information.

    General tab.

    Set the SKU, allotment (The total count of this type of room/accommodation listed on this website), minimum stays rule, maximum number of adults, maximum number of children, the bed info and room size info.

    Price & Rates

    In this section, you can determine which rate plans will be utilized for this room and establish the base price for each plan. When you install and activate this plugin, a default rate plan is created. This default plan will automatically be assigned to every room.

    You can rename and edit the default rate plan description, also create and apply multiple custom rate plans for each room.

    The next step is to establish the standard price for the default rate, and you may also set a sale price if applicable. If you have previously created custom rate plans, you can add them by selecting the desired rate plan and clicking the “Insert a rate plan” button.

    In the free version, you can control the default rate plan price and status for each individual date. However, with the pro version, you can manage the prices and status for every single date across all rate plans.


    Amenities refer to the various features and services that hotels provide to enhance the comfort and convenience of their guests. This plugin comes with two default groups of amenities (Room features and Room facilities), which can be expanded or completely modified.

    You can add more amenities in “Products > Amenities” or simply click “+ Add new amenity” link at the top right hand side.